Statistics/Awards To view items please select the category you wish to view from the drop-down menu, then select the document you wish to view. STATISTICS Yearly Statistics Select category to browse...2024 Yearly Stats2023 Yearly Stats2022 Yearly Stats2021 Yearly Stats2020 Yearly Stats2019 Yearly Stats2018 Yearly Stats2017 Yearly Stats2016 Yearly Stats2015 Yearly Stats2014 Yearly Stats2013 Yearly Stats2012 Yearly Stats2011 Yearly Stats2010 Yearly Stats2009 Yearly Stats2008 Yearly Stats2007 Yearly Stats2006 Yearly Stats2005 Yearly Stats2004 Yearly Stats2003 Yearly Stats2002 Yearly Stats2001 Yearly Stats2000 Yearly Stats1999 Yearly Stats1998 Yearly Stats1997 Yearly Stats Top Players Select category to browse...Top 10 Juniors / CadetsTop 25 WomenTop 50 MenTop 50 Men 30ft Player of the Year Select category to browse...Player of the Year Rookie of the Year Select category to browse...Rookie of the Year Junior Player of the Year Select category to browse...2024 Junior Player of the Year2023 Junior Player of the Year2022 Junior Player of the Year2021 Junior Player of the Year2020 Junior Player of the Year2019 Junior Player of the Year2018 Junior Player of the Year2017 Junior Player of the Year2016 Junior Player of the Year2015 Junior Player of the Year2014 Junior Player of the Year2013 Junior Player of the Year2012 Junior Player of the Year2011 Junior Player of the Year2010 Junior Player of the Year2009 Junior Player of the Year2008 Junior Player of the Year2007 Junior Player of the Year2006 Junior Player of the Year2005 Junior Player of the Year Junior Rookie of the Year Select category to browse...2024 Junior Rookie of the Year2023 Junior Rookie of the Year2022 Junior Rookie of the Year2021 Junior Rookie of the Year2020 Junior Rookie of the Year2019 Junior Rookie of the Year2018 Junior Rookie of the Year2017 Junior Rookie of the Year2016 Junior Rookie of the Year2015 Junior Rookie of the Year2014 Junior Rookie of the Year2013 Junior Rookie of the Year2012 Junior Rookie of the Year2011 Junior Rookie of the Year2010 Junior Rookie of the Year2009 Junior Rookie of the Year2008 Junior Rookie of the Year2007 Junior Rookie of the Year2006 Junior Rookie of the Year2005 Junior Rookie of the Year STATE AWARDS MO State Champions/Records Select category to browse...Cadet's DivisionDouble DivisionJunior Boys DivisionJunior Girls DivisionMen's 30ft DivisionMen's DivisionSeniors' DivisionTeams DivisionWomen's DivisionWomen's Elder Division Stats/Awards 1 file(s) 66.75 KB Download NHPA AWARDS - Missouri Recipients National Horseshoe Pitchers Association Awards 1 file(s) 512.74 KB Download